April 2007

Dear readers of the yuleblog,

Sunday ended a very productive three month stretch
of reviewing all the new additions to my personal
Christmas music collection.

In total, around 85 to 87 CDs
were reviewed in a span of 90 days.
I'm very proud of this accomplishment.

As Ringo Starr screamed at the end of the Beatles'
"Helter Skelter" - "I've got blisters on my fingers!"
Not from drumming. From typing.

I'm also extremely behind in my schedule of other
projects and I am exhausted... worn out...
bushed... tired... flat out done.

I'm taking a month off. Maybe six weeks.
Why so long?

I need to recharge the batteries and get some
of those other projects out of the way.
I'll also be watching a few baseball games here:

Not a bad view, huh?

THIS JUST IN: I was slated as the stage manager of an
upcoming local theater production but unfortunately
no one auditioned for a part in an upcoming two man
play about baseball.

I was picked by the director of the show as a
pinch actor, coming off the bench in hopes I'll hit
a home run.
I will be trying to memorize 40 pages
of dialogue over the next month or two.

Put those rally caps on for me.

When I return, I'll be tackling the approximately
125 Christmas albums that I downloaded between
November and December, 2006.

Have a great start to Spring!



Anonymous said…
Oh, a two man play about baseball. I know that one! The dialog shouldn't be too tough: "Who's on first. What's on second." etc.

By "pinch actor" do you mean an understudy?

Ernie said…
Don't you ever stop?
CaptainOT said…
Bill - I wish there was an understudy but since no one showed for auditions and none of the actors the director of the play could commit to it, he turned to me...

Ernie - It's not all bad. While I'm memorizing lines, I'll be transferring stacks of vinyl into the ready position!

Anonymous said…
All right Captain. You do deserve a break! In fact, you deserve a raise!

Thanks for all the elbow greese on the keyboard! I have enjoyed the ride immensely!

Jonathan, a.k.a. RadioJonD
PDMan said…
I have really enjoyed the reviews of all the compilations (whew!) and I hope you enjoy your time off from the site. Thanks for all the hard work!
Anonymous said…
Still going through the Yuleblog DT's but not as bad as a week ago. Hope you are enjoying your quality time while your public anxiously await your triumphant return!
Anonymous said…
Do you have any recommendations on where to get ahold of Adventure of Carols by Ferrante & Teicher? It's only available for streaming at FALALALA.

Thanks for your heldp
Tony said…
Capt - take TWO months off, you deserve it!
CaptainOT said…
Jonathan, PDMan, and Jingle - Thanks for the kind words! Glad you've enjoyed my intensive labor of love!

Anon - Revisit FLLLL.com and leave a comment for the King about the Ferrante & Teicher album. He's a benevolent ruler who's more than happy to help one of his subjects achieve what they want.

Tony - I did take two months off... not by choice! That's how busy my summer has been (and will continue to be until the kids go back to school in three weeks)!


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