Am I On? No... Amazon!

The school where my son Alex attends has a wonderful scrip program. You purchase gift certificates from local & national stores and a certain percentage of each scrip goes towards tuition for next year. This is great considering my oldest daughter Maggie will begin kindergarten this fall. This past week, the school held it's annual, one-week only 100% scrip drive - meaning all the dollars spent go directly into our tuition bank.

As my wife and I looked over the order form earlier this week, she asked me if I wanted anything from! Suddenly it was Christmas in February! I asked for one $50 gift certificate and she put it down on the order form. I'm betting I could have gotten more since this was a great deal for our kids but I didn't want to get too greedy and take advantage of my wife's generosity.

The certificate arrived earlier today... Accessing my wish list, this is what I ordered:

Ann-Margret... my dream girl... What a Christmas this is going to be... Petty Booka is a Japanese band who has recorded a number of albums using an eclectic mix of Hawaiian, bluegrass, country, reggae, and punk music. I look forward to hearing what they're going to do with Christmas music! Expect to see reviews for both these CDs as soon as they arrive!

I already own the 5 Chinese Brothers and It's Finally Christmas albums in my collection. These were acquired through trades with other Christmas music collectors and both don't have complete artwork. Although these are upgrades and not new additions, I will post reviews when they arrive.

The Spike Jones CD is not Christmas related but it's been out of print for ages and it was $5.00 - a bargain I couldn't pass up!

This reduces my wish list down to about 9 items. At one point, it stood at 140 items!

I better start posting albums... the backlog has already begun!



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