Eyes and Compilations!

It is currently 8:45 AM here at my home in Fort Wayne, Indiana. In about three hours, I will be going to the Indiana Lasik Center where I will be strapped down to a table like James Bond and have corrective eye surgery.

My Coke bottle glasses are history! By tomorrow, I should be seeing 20/20 again... and I'm not talking about the TV show either! In any event, I will be gone for a few days while my eyes recover. Hope the 3-D vision won't screw anything up!

During the week of February 19th - February 25th, I will be reviewing six Christmas compilations sent or downloaded to me from other Christmas enthusiasts like myself!

The titles will include:
  • FaLaLaLaLa.com's 2005 ADVENTure In Carols
  • Andy Cirzan's Off In The Christmas Cosmos Vol. XVII - 2005
  • Jeffco Productions' 2005 Christmas Podcasts
  • Melton Mistletoe Mix 2005
  • Al's Christmas Ale 2005
  • Queer Music Heritage - December 19th & December 26th, 2005 radio shows

Should be an exciting week because I get to listen to these kick-ass CDs once again as I review them!

My laser awaits...



Brad said…
Should I be nervous.

Do you, by any chance, dabble in payola...?

CaptainOT said…
No, you shouldn't be nervous...

And if we're talking payola, there's some Christmas albums that you possess that I wouldn't mind having copies of...


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