Pat Boone - White Christmas

During our road trip this past weekend, we listened to the local radio stations as we drove, trying to find some Christmas music.

Outside of Columbus, we found a station and we listened merrily along the way until the voice of John Tesh came on, announcing the next song was by Kenny G!

When that failed, we moved to backup plan B.

Several years ago at an unknown gas station along our trip route, I filled the gas tank and watched the strapped in kidlets in the van while my wife went inside to get snacks and pay for everything.

While at the counter, she noticed a cassette rack that had inexpensive tapes that you could listen to on your trips. She then noticed a $2.99 tape that read "Santa's Top 10 Favorites" and added it to the pile.

That cassette has remained in our minivan to this day. When we hit the road every Christmas for family gatherings or over the river and thru the woods to Grandma's house, if we can't find Christmas music on the dial, we turn to this tape.

On this very tape was a version of "I'll Be Home For Christmas" by Pat Boone. Believe me, it only sounds deadly.

I found this copy of his 1959 Christmas album at a local Goodwill store earlier this year. The record was in fine shape, the cover was completely worthless - if I had a nickel for every coffee mug watermark on the back cover, I'd be rich! So I went to eBay - the mecca of all collectors - and found another copy for $6.

The back cover states there are fourteen songs but on both albums there are fifteen tracks! "Here Comes Santa Claus" was either a last minute throw-in or someone at the labelling plant forgot to read the label.

Hear for yourself:

Pat Boone - White Christmas

Happy listening...



PDMan said…
I have the CD version, which is now OOP. Seems like there were 13 cuts on that one.

This is really a good album, nothing to be put off by at all.
PDMan said…
Nope, I went back and checked. The CD on MCA Special Products had all 14 cuts.
CaptainOT said…
PDMan - I didn't know this was on CD at any time! When was the CD released?

PDMan said…
The date on the CD is 1991. MCAD 22049.
CaptainOT said…
Thanks PD!

Puckwheat said…
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Captain. We missed ya!
Anonymous said…
This LP was re-issued on the Pickwick label back in 1978.
Anonymous said…
dead link. Can you please reupload?

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