We're about to get COMPED! - Week 5

Four weeks down, four to go. One month finished, one month left.

We've reached the middle of our two month feature on Christmas comps sent to us here at the yuleblog. I'm betting someone out there thought I wasn't going to make it to this point (especially when I had my computer problems one week ago).

I'm happy to say that we don't need a breather at this point. We're forging on and we've got some amazing stuff coming up this month which includes a two week stretch that you'll never forget!

We looked at online comps all this week and we have one more week scheduled for more online comps. However, next week will be spent looking at regular comps from regular joes that sent them to us. This will be the last full week like this at the yuleblog!

And I mean FULL week! Here's what the week looks like starting Monday, March 5th:

  • Monday, March 5th - Mark Grant's Holiday CD 2006
  • Tuesday, March 6th - A Shock-And-Awe Christmas
  • Wednesday, March 7th - Christmas From St. Peter's 2006
  • Thursday, March 8th - Bill Brock's Christmas 2006
  • Friday, March 9th - Bill Huot's 2004 - 2005 - 2006 Samplers (THREE REVIEWS)
  • Saturday, March 10th - Jeffrey Cox's Audio Christmas Cards 2000 & 2001 (TWO REVIEWS)
  • Sunday, March 11th - The Christmas Cheese: Chesler's 2006 Holiday Compilation

Seven days straight with comps... told you it was full! You want proof?
One of these comps has a staggering, unprecedented 82 (EIGHTY-TWO!) tracks on one disc! You'll have to wait until next week to find out which.

50% complete, 50% incomplete. Four sets of comps done, four sets at the ready. I can do this. I can do this. Where's those Stuart Smalley audio tapes at?



Unknown said…
You CAN do it Capt'n! I know you can!

Us Christmas music urchins eagerly await your tireless tinsel laced, always informative, never lacking CD reviews from the many kind elves that make and send them

‘Tis fitting that March is Caffeine Awareness Month. Have a few cups of Java and dig in while you are burning the midnight Yule log!

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