We're about to get COMPED! - Week 6

Where is the time going? It's March already! We're about to spring ahead our clocks this weekend for Daylight Savings Time! Spring training baseball is in full swing (I meant that terrible pun, thank you).

This week is almost over. We have two more submissions from Christmas music enthusiasts via the P.O. Box to look at tomorrow and Sunday.

Starting Monday, we're going to look at one more weeks worth of online Christmas comps. Eighty percent of these online sites took down their comps months ago. I haven't contacted them to ask the questions I've asked everyone or to see if they would repost the comps because of a varied number of reasons - lack of time being the main problem.

Here's what's slated for next week:
  • Monday, March 12 - Putting The X Back Into Xmas (Probe is turning-On the people)
  • Tuesday, March 13 - Blues Are Still Blue 2005 & 2006 Christmas Comps (TWO REVIEWS)
  • Wednesday, March 14 - A Christmas Blog Gift For You From The Power Pop Lover's Blog
  • Thursday, March 15 - NCM Illegal Christmas Compilation 2005
  • Friday, March 16 - Santa's Boots (BigOWorldwide)

Feel free to start Googling now to find these sites and/or comps. Or you can wait like good little boys and girls at Christmas until Monday when I start cranking these reviews out again.

FYI - This schedule is subject to change from here on out. A close friend here in Fort Wayne is actively dying from leukemia and my father is slated for his second quadruple bypass surgery in Columbus, Ohio on Tuesday, March 13.

Reviewing these comps has been able to take my mind off things for a time. Unfortunately, the reviews will have to wait if necessary. If you believe in the power of prayer, we can use all we can get right now. If you don't, a simple thought of good wishes can work wonders for many. Thanks for reading.



Puckwheat said…

You and your friends and family will definitely be in my prayers. You do what you need to do. If it means you miss a few days, no worries. We'll all be here when you get back. You go above and beyond the call of duty with your excellent blog. You deserve to take whatever time you may need. We are your loyal subjects and will remanin loyal. Hope all goes well. Again, you are in my prayers.

Tom in Royal Oak, MI.
CaptainOT said…
Tom - It's Tuesday evening on March 13th and I'm happy to report that my father's bypass was a complete success.

It turned out he only needed double bypass surgery and not quadruple bypass as once thought.

Thanks for the kind words Tom. Very much appreciated.


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