The Yuleblog Days Of Summer

GREAT JUMPIN' ICEBERGS!!! Haven't typed that in a while so I figured
I'd get that out of the way.

Back in April, I announced that I was appearing onstage as an actor in a two man show about baseball (the main reason for the break). I figured six weeks off to commit to memory my lines for the play and I could again use the free time to devote to the yuleblog.

I originally planned on cranking out the reviews again around the time I posted the Kay Martin review in conjunction with my 365 Days contribution in mid May.

That was the plan.

However, when you have 40 pages of dialogue to memorize, then add my stay at home dad duties, end-of-the-school year shebangs like school picnics, programs, and field trips, plus a few trips to Wrigley Field in Chicago to see my beloved Chicago Cubs mostly lose, time sort of has its way with you.

We're just entered June, the play rehearsals are at the stage where I'm feeling extremely comfortable with the lines, movements, and emotions needed - at long last! Just in time for our opening at the end of this week!

Should prove to be a fun run: we have a special performance on a weeknight for a convention coming through Fort Wayne. They've requested 175 tickets so far - a far cry from the 80-90 average for a summer show at this theater!

The kids are settling into their summer routine, my schedule will be opening up in the coming weeks, and I'll be once again reviewing additions to my Christmas music collection.

Next thing you'll know, it will be July... Christmas in July... sighhh.



Anonymous said…
Welcome back! Glad to hear that all is well in your life; the DT's subsided here somewhat....with the Yuleblog down and all....great to have ya back!!
Anonymous said…
Ernie said…
There's a Christmas in July? Huh! WHo'd a thunk it?
Stephen said…
Looking forward to having you back, my friend.
CaptainOT said…
John / Stubby / Ernie / Stephen -

This was when the play had just ended and I thought my family and I would settle into a scheduled routine.

=cue the insane maniacal laughter with lightning & thunder sound f/x in b/g=


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