As I was saying...

Guess whose kids went back to school today?

With these two handfuls starting a new school year, my youngest child in preschool three days a week (too shy for the group photo above), and some long overdue Christmas housecleaning duties now complete (keep reading), I am once again able to devote some time, energy, and/or wit to the yuleblog.

My last full entry here was back in February. Since that time, I have:

  • Started a new job
  • Helped my wife with her new career change
  • Continued my stay-at-home dad duties
  • Went on several extended family vacations while we could afford it
  • Help my wife's family when my mother-in-law experienced a stroke (she's 90% recovered thankfully)
  • Helped my son Alex celebrate his first Communion and all the brouhaha that goes with it
  • Helped my two oldest kids with their basketball / cheerleading / baseball / T-ball schedules
  • Helped build & paint several theater sets for a local theater
  • Created sound designs for several plays at the aforementioned local theater
  • Shuttle kids back & forth to their practices, games, and various zoo camps all summer
  • Travelled twice to Wrigley Field to watch my beloved Chicago Cubs

Normally, any free time I have inbetween all the daily routines of my life are spent here at the yuleblog. However, I had neglected my personal Christmas music collection far too long. So I spent my free time this summer:

  • Burning nearly 150 downloaded Christmas albums to CD dating back to 2006 (thanks to the King and everyone at FaLaLaLaLa, Ernie (not Bert), and the entire sharity network of love!)
  • Clearing my hard drive of nearly 2000 Christmas MP3s dating back to 2005 (34 discs total - wow!)
  • Cataloguing all the above mentioned discs into my master Christmas spreadsheet
  • Notating all the CDs I haven't reviewed here at the yuleblog (yet)
  • Organizing my Christmas albums and other Christmas material into one area of my basement for easy access
  • Starting to transfer a box of 50+ albums for the 2008 holiday sharity season (35 down, 15 to go)
  • Researching several libraries in two states for several upcoming yuleblog entries in 2008
  • Helping Mitchell Kezin by contributing some Christmas material for his "Jingle Bell Rocks" documentary
  • Compiling new material for my own 2008 Christmas comp for family & friends

Typing all that out, I wonder how I survived it all...

It's a strange feeling knowing that there is NOTHING on the "to-do" Christmas list. I spent the greater part of last week looking back at all of these accomplishments - both family & Christmas related - and reviewing all of my checklists thinking I had forgotten something. Alas, the cupboard is bare and I have time to type.

My first order of business will be answering the dozens of comments left for me here at the yuleblog in my absence. I will be answering those over the next day or two. After that, I can pickup where I left off in February reviewing Christmas CDs I received as gifts last December... yeah, it's been that long! Sad, really.

This house is quiet. Too quiet...



Ernie said…
You've already got 35 records ready to go for Christmas? I've got around half that, and all I've done is record them. I'm so far behind. Welcome back, by the way. Good to hear everything is well with you and the family.
Anonymous said…
Welcome back Captain! We've missed you.
Anonymous said…
Welcome back, sir!

I only wish I were a tenth as focused and productive.
Hi Captain:
I am an avid Christmas novelty song collector from Central Pa (near Penn State) and have some material which I am confident that you would benefit from (over 300+ obscure but wonderful Christmas novelties)if interested. Where can I E-mail list? Best, Bill Dann P.S. These were remastered from M- 45's from my collection by the (late) Marc Bird
Stephen said…
And here I thought you were just goofing off...
CaptainOT said…
Ernie / Anon / Stubby - Thanks for the kinds words!

Stephen - Okay, just a lil'...

Anonymous said…
Welcome Back!!!

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