Yuleblog Comments Pt. 4

I've gone back and answered comments left here at the yuleblog over the past several months. If you've left a comment here during that time, the answer now awaits you at the post you left it at - click on the link to take you there. And awayyyy we go:

Jeff has left a new comment on your post "You haul Sixteen Tons, whadaya get?":

Congrats Capt! Start that ball rolling and all kinds of great stuff will be coming your way!

stubbysfears has left a new comment on your post "You haul Sixteen Tons, whadaya get?":

Congratulations! Now don't go spending it all on steam whistle Christmas records. ;-)

Ernie has left a new comment on your post "You haul Sixteen Tons, whadaya get?":

Can we just pay you $39 a week and you keep up the Christmas reviews?

Stephen has left a new comment on your post "You haul Sixteen Tons, whadaya get?":

Hey, Rob, thanks for posting this. My wife already dreads returning to work in a few years when our youngest is in school. Now I can tell her that I know someone who actually did it!

Candice Pardue has left a new comment on your post "You haul Sixteen Tons, whadaya get?":

It might be difficult for you to leave home and go back "out there" - I know from being a stay at home mom many years that it's addictive being able to be with my kids and love on them as it was meant to be. With homeschooling in between work and everything else, it can be hectic, but it's well worth the time spent. I don't regret it for one moment. Good luck!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "John Klein - A Christmas Sound Spectacular":

I also have the original LP with the woodcut entitled "The Story of the Bells". I have been looking for a way to get a digital recording of this LP as mine is so well used and worn out. I just returned from a Renaissance Fest in Apache Junction, AZ and was enthralled at a Carillon show by "Cast in Bronze". It's a traveling Carillon and is from the same area of the country that the Carillon Americana of the LP was manufactured,m Sellersville, PA. Check it out.

Soapy has left a new comment on your post "The Soulful Strings - The Magic Of Christmas":

Check here for the first Soulful Strings LP. And more on the way!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Shirley & Squirrely - Christmas With":

I am taking a trip down memory lane and encountered an old record of Christmas with Shirley and Squirrely. I am hoping someone can help me find this on CD. I would really like to share this particular part of my childhood with my children and record players just don't offer the sound quality that a CD does.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Wendy Rose - Snowflake":

I totally agree, I love it and listen to it every Christmas!

Bean has left a new comment on your post "The Yuleblog Welcome Wagon":

As a matter of fact, I do have one I think you'll like. At ChristmasMusicEveryday.com I post an mp3 of a Christmas song every day of the year. I went live last Thanksgiving Day. I already link to your site and will add the others you have written about here too.

So It Goes has left a new comment on your post "The Yuleblog Welcome Wagon":

Hi there, my name's Steve, and I found you through Santa's Working Overtime: I too have a Christmas blog with a UK flavour (since that's where I come from). I'm at http://iwishitcouldbechristmaseveryday.blogspot.com. Nice to meet you!

Christmas has left a new comment on your post "The Yuleblog Welcome Wagon":

Hello, I was wondering if you could add my Christmas Blog to your links? I would appreciate it. I've only recently started posting, but plan on posting more in the near future.

I thank you in advance. Sincerely, Susan/Christmas Forever

xmasbrains has left a new comment on your post "The Yuleblog Welcome Wagon":

Please include a link to http://myholidaymusic.blogspot.com/

danatello has left a new comment on your post "Bob Ralston - Christmas Hymns & Carols":

Hey Capt, I have the stereo and I will post it for share unless either The King or yourself has already done so at a move recent date.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Rhodes Kids - Rock 'N Rhodes Christmas":

I am sure you mean well but your information is way off not to mention highly dramatized. Sign me as someone who has an inside scoop of reality

Danielle has left a new comment on your post "Eddie Dunstedter, We Hardly Knew Ye...":

'POP' is what I knew him as my entire life. Eddie Dunstedter is my great grandfather. My mother's grandfather. Pop's children are both still alive and living in California. They have it all! Every last bit.

Brandy has left a new comment on your post "Eddie Dunstedter, We Hardly Knew Ye...":

Well Well...Just as I think about him....So comes another Email from my Daughter Danielle(Pop's Greatgrandaughter) And I was serealy thinking how wonderful it is to know People still appreaciate him.....By the way....Christmas Candy came out when I was About 14 or so and the one song that is called Christmas Candy Has in one part of the song you can hear all the clocks chiming and the Coo-Coo Clock going and all those Clocks were my mothers Chime Clocks and in fact HER COO_COO CLOCK) there's a little tidbit no-body but all of us knew!!!!!!!! I have been at this sight and thought i had heard from the Editor of Yamaha Magazine......We all play music and Pop is Smiling down on us...I feel him Everday!!!!!!!!! Brandy (Pop's Very first Grandaughter who he taught to sing over those Pipe Organs!!!!!!LOL...I love sharing these memories...i know i gave Mother this sight??????

Luciano has left a new comment on your post "Ethel Smith - Silent Night-Holy Night":

I am from Brazil and I love Ethel's music so much! This is the only source I have found for this entire album, but now the link at rapidshare is broken... Could you please repost this album? I would be very thankful!

Andy has left a new comment on your post "Fogwell Flax & The Ankle Biters From Freehold Juni...":

I sang on that mate, I was one of the afore-mentioned ankle-biters. Glad you enjoyed my work...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Pied Pipers - Favorite Christmas Carols":

Do you know how I can get a hold of this album? Lee Gotch was my grandfather.

Donald R. Resor has left a new comment on your post "O Tannenbaum - Christmas On The Rhine":

Does anyone know if the organ in these musical selections was a pipe organ or a electronic organ, and if so who was the manufacturer? Thanks

dancer5612004 has left a new comment on your post "The Cricketones - Christmas Is For Children":

Look for THE CRICKETONES on youtube that I'm posting. Feel free to leave comments on music post boards if you wish, thanks.

Bob has left a new comment on your post "The Alcoa Singers - An Old-Fashioned Christmas":

Are the Alcoa Singers actual employees of Alcoa?

frizzielady has left a new comment on your post "The Alcoa Singers - An Old-Fashioned Christmas":

It is so much fun to see this post! My father is Marlin A. Preus in the photo and my aunt is Diane Sabolic, who later married my uncle and also became a Preus. In response to Bob's question, currently the singers can also include spouses. My mom and dad were singing tonight at the Pirates game for the anthem by the Singers. I was looking for a recording of it which is how I happened upon this site. I grew up on this album!

Ernie has left a new comment on your post "Jimmy McGriff - Christmas With":

Hey Cap'n! I found an LP copy of this one, but it's got a different cover, and it's on the Trip label. I assume it's not the original, but it's got all the same tracks. Any clue when this one came out? The cover image is a cute black girl with a big afro wearing a Santa suit. Any ideas?

Ernie has left a new comment on your post "Jimmy McGriff - Christmas With":

I guess I can answer my own question now. I later found a Mistletoe Records version of the LP, and it's got the same cover, and, more telling, the same parent company as the mysterious Trip Records. So I've just got yet another budget reissue. But I recorded it anyway. :)

Richard Allen has left a new comment on your post "Bob Mantzke Choralaires - Christmas Songs":

I am the son of Bob's sister, Marilyn, who resides in Glendale Arizona. Bob and his music has touched many life's.
Bob's legacy lives on through his two daughters Kim and Tina. Google "Christia Mantzke" for information about Bob's youngest Tina.

Many (and I mean MANY) of the comments left here were for re-link requests. Some of these requests were for albums I've never shared or even own! However, there's still time to ask for the albums I've offered at the link above.



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