Relient K - Let It Snow Baby... Let It Reindeer

Last year I described how an unknown Christian rock Christmas CD found its way into my stocking. No one in my family owned up to its placement. Therefore, I determined that the one and only Santa Claus left it for me on Christmas Eve, 2006.

It happened again last Christmas Eve.

This CD you see before you was wedged into my stocking above all the little goodies Santa packed for me. My wife confessed to helping my cat Sasha and Maisey order some CDs for me (I never knew she spoke cat-o-nese) but was completely clueless as to where this came from.

Santa Claus feels I need some more Christian Christmas CDs for my collection. Who am I to argue with the Big Guy?

This isn't the only Relient K Christmas album in my collection. Several years ago, I purchased a used copy of "Two Lefts Don't Make A Right... But Three Do" in order to get the bonus CD entitled "Deck The Halls, Bruise Your Hand".

This was the group's first full Christmas album, had ten songs total, and featured three original songs by the group - one of which was first featured on "Happy Christmas V3". There was also a "bonus" track that lasted about 20 seconds long that I featured on my 2007 Christmas CD to family & friends.

For this album, Relient K added seven additional tracks, added the ten from the first album (*), and voila! Seventeen tracks in one easy containable package.


1.) Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
This could have been disastrous but it's handled perfectly - easily listenable and rockable at the same time.

2.) Sleigh Ride
Solo piano & voice to start, add some jazzy drums & bass, then add the heavy guitars. 0 to 60 in 3:33 - nice!

3.) Merry Christmas, Here's To Many More
What sounds like a lonely Christmas song is actually devoted to Christ's love. Good Christmas song.

4.) Angels We Have Heard On High*
A heavy version of the Christmas standard - chuckling and tapping my feet at the same time!

5.) Deck The Halls*
Ditto (see number four).

6.) 12 Days Of Christmas*
Sung right after five golden rings: "What's a partridge? What's a pear tree? I don't know, so don't ask me. But I can bet those are terrible gifts to get!" EXACTLY!

7.) Medley: Silent Night/Away In a Manger*
Effective medley of the two songs that leads right into...

8.) I Celebrate The Day*
A Christmas conversation to Jesus. Touching.

9.) In Like a Lion (Always Winter)*
Inspired by C.S. Lewis' "The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe", this one describes winter and snow but not much Christmas.

10.) I'm Getting Nuttin' For Christmas
GREAT JUMPIN' ICEBERGS! Take a kiddie song and give it the full rock treatment - a laff riot! This one's been tabbed for future Christmas CDs...

11.) We Wish You a Merry Christmas*
See number four above.

12.) Santa Claus Is Thumbing To Town*
"The toy shop is on fire, the toys melting on the shelves. And you can hear Mrs. Claus yelling, "I warned you! Not to trust those elves!" Santa's forced to hitchhike this Christmas... a headbanger and a hoot!

13.) Handel's Messiah*
Heavy metal version of the venerable classical piece - it lasts 1:09. Scratching my head...

14.) I Hate Christmas Parties*
Originally recorded on "Happy Christmas V3", this is a somber Christmas tune that's surprising to hear from a Christian band - excellent tune, btw!

15.) Boxing Day
The day after Christmas in Canada is Boxing Day. For some it's called Christmas Decoration Dismantling Day. A song with the same sad flavor as "I Hate Christmas Parties".

16.) Auld Lang Syne
Near note-perfect cover of The Beach Boys' version - which includes Relient K's greetings a la Brian Wilson!

17.) Good King Wenceslas (bonus track)
High solo voice & autoharp to start, then high solo voice and ukelele. Oh my lord, it's TINY TIM !!! Now it's high solo voice & guitar. WAIT A SECOND... now its DEEP voice & autoharp... he broke into laughter! Hold on... TINY TIM'S BACK... what the?

As Christian bands go, there's not that many I would listen to. But after hearing their Christmas albums repeatedly, I would give Relient K a serious shot. The original songs are thought provoking, easy listenable, and with the right amount of humor added.

Santa, thanks again for the gift left in the stocking. Thanks Relient K for the gift of music and laughter in this very good Christmas album!



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