2003 Playlist

The 2003 playlist:

1.) 2003 intro
My usual intro with the Flat Duo Jets on "Jingle Bells".

2.) Alex's 2003 greeting
This can't be the same kid that's fighting with me for time on the computer... sheesh!

3.) Shakespeare Man - Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
A dramatic recitation in full Shakespearean mode of the famed Johnny Marks classic. HILARIOUS!

4.) The Three Tenors - Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
Pavarotti, Domingo, and Carreras take a stab at John & Yoko's holiday hit. No foolin'.

5.) A Christmas Story - Ralphie is asked what he wants for Christmas
My brothers and I saw this movie twice at the Glenwood Theater in 1983. Twenty years on, it's become the most popular Christmas movie of its era.

6.) Tori Amos - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
A rare Christmas track from Amos - haunting and melodic.

7.) Starflyer 59 - I'll Be Home For Christmas
Ambient version from a Christian rock band. From one of BEC's excellent comps entitled "Happy Christmas".

8.) The Onion Radio News - A broke dad makes his son a PlayStation 2 for Christmas
Witty, timely, and always hysterical fake news from the folks at The Onion.

9.) Joe Pesci - If It Doesn't Snow On Christmas
This version came off the expurgated version (no parental advisory sticker) which is hard to find. Little Joe sure can sing...

10.) Nancy White - It's So Chic To Be Pregnant At Christmas
My wife was eight month pregnant with our third child at the time. Appropriate.

11.) Dora The Explorer - Dora & Boots swap Christmas presents
My oldest daughter Maggie was a charter member in the Dora Fan Club. This was for her.

12.) Los Straitjackets - Feliz Navidad
These guys (complete with Mexican wrestling costumes) give The Ventures a run for their money. Great stuff throughout this album.

13.) The Bobs - Santa's Gonna Do The Mambo
Heard this on NPR and knew I had to have it for the Christmas CD. The rest of their Christmas album is brilliant.

14.) Clint Black - RADD Christmas PSA
Won a copy of RADD PSAs off eBay back in 2000 - this is one of the five holiday PSAs on the CD.

15.) Carlene Carter - Rockin' Little Christmas
The stepdaughter of Johnny Cash, this country tune... well, rocks!

16.) Tom Astor - Weiße Weihnacht
"White Christmas" sung by the German Johnny Cash! No one ever caught the irony of this song.

17.) The Ed Sullivan Show - Ed reads a Christmas telegram from The Beatles
This clip was on the "Beatles Anthology" documentary - segues nicely into...

18.) The Beatles - Christmas Fan-Club message montage
Since 1994, I had been featuring the Beatles Christmas messages on my tapes. For this version, I decided to edit each message down to around one minute in length and string them all together.

19.) Ringo Starr - The Little Drummer Boy
Ringo's the only ex-Beatle to have a full-length Christmas album - this is one of the better cuts.

20.) Bob Hope - Christmas TV Special montage

21.) Bob & Dolores Hope - Silver Bells

22.) Bob Hope - Christmas monologue montage
After entertaining millions of people around the world, Hope died on July 27, 2003 - two months past his 100th birthday. These three tracks were dedicated to his memory.

23.) Maggie's 2003 greeting
My daughter Maggie wouldn't let go of the microphone - insisting on holding it as close to her mouth and nose while recording this. I was able to clear up the hurricane style noises from all the movements.

24.) Little Isadore & The Inquistors - Christmas of Love
Possibly the only great thing to come from that God-awful Jim Carrey "Grinch" movie...

25.) Sugar Chile Robinson - Christmas Boogie
Recorded in 1949, this one just swings! Read more about Robinson here.

26.) NBC Radio - Last minute Christmas shopping suggestion
Found this one attached to an old-time radio episode of "The Six Shooter". Buy a radio "to help Mother with those long hours in the kitchen". Paging Gloria Steinem...

27.) Duke Ellington & His Orchestra - Jingle Bells
The brassiest, biggest, and best big band version of this song. Period.

28.) Joe Williams - Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow
Smooth, classy version from the legendary jazz vocalist. If you can find a copy of his Christmas album, grab it!

29.) Eddie G - Hawaiian Christmas bumper
A sampling from the godfather of homemade Christmas comps.

30.) Makaha Sons of Ni'hau - Winter Wonderland / Hawaiian Santa
This is a great mixing of two Christmas songs. Nothing like Hawaiian Christmas music to brighten your day.

31.) One Eighty - Mele Kalikimaka
Another great cover by a Christian rock band from BEC's "Happy Christmas" series. Collect all four!

32.) Ann's 2003 message
My wife finally said yes to appearing on the Christmas CDs - I had to prompt her at first but she delivers a wonderful heartfelt message.

33.) 2003 playlist rundown
I give the playlist very much like what I just typed out...

34.) Elvis Presley - Christmas Message From Elvis / Silent Night
The last song always and forever is "Silent Night" - Elvis thanks you for listening and sings.

35.) Outro - short version
I edited down the long version of the outro (see 2000-2002) to 47 seconds.

Please leave your comments at the study guide page - please remember, none of these comps will be posted here in their entirety or made available online or off.

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