Look what you've done to the place!

This past weekend, I spent most of my time in front of my computer working on two different projects.

The first was the final stages of my annual Christmas CD - as October draws to a close, we enter the assembly phase of this yearly undertaking. All of the artwork is nearly ready to cut, stick, and be arranged on each of the copies I'll be sending to family and friends.

Needless to say, this meant my workspace around the computer (located in our library room at our home) was littered with CD covers and labels that were spit out by my trusty HP printer at a steady rate. It was a mess in here for a time.

The second project was done while waiting for everything to be printed. I updated the layout and added tags to the yuleblog for the first time in its existence. Most of yesterday was spent trying to figure out how to post a tag cloud to the template but that left me confused and frustrated (not the first time that's happened).

After a weekend of adding tags like Track Reviews, Christmas Organ, and Videos (with more tags to add), handling more paper than accountants do around tax time, and looking at the calendar to see our family has a short week (due to P-T conferences, the kids get a 4 1/2 day Halloween weekend), I'm pressed for time right now.

I'll be working offline much of this week until we throw all the kids in the car for a weekend trip somewhere. Have fun exploring the tags - new posts to arrive next week.



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