Burning the midnight modem oil...

Looking at the calendar, we are nearly two months away from Christmas. This past week, I've been reloading, re-uploading, relinking, and rewinding to stay one step ahead with my workload before the holiday madness descends on us all.

So here are my shares from 2005 - 2007 - up and active and waiting for you. Please post a comment after you've clicked on an album you've been waiting to get - a simple "thanks" is sufficient!

1983 Air Force Public Service Spots - Disc V

The Alcoa Singers - An Olde-Fashioned Christmas

Around The Christmas Tree - A Special Christmas Day Program

Pat Boone - White Christmas

Bowen & Csehy - Christmas Steepletime

Owen Bradley & His Quintet - Joyous Bells Of Christmas

Al Caiola & Riz Ortolani - The Sound Of Christmas

Capitol Production Music

Christmas 1971 Veteran's Administration Hospital Program

CLM Industries - Christmas 1961 - SINGLE

A Country Christmas

Jimmy Dean - Jimmy Dean's Christmas Card

Fogwell Flax & The Ankle Biters From From Freehold Junior School - Christmas 45 - SINGLE

Pete Fountain - Candy Clarinet: Merry Christmas From (STEREO)

DeWayne Fulton - Christmas Greetings From

Funky Christmas (Cotillion Records)

Will Glahe & His Orchestra - Christmas On The Rhine

Earl Grant - Winter Wonderland

Ken Griffin - Christmas Organ

Alex Houston & Elmer - Here Comes Peter CottonClaus

Jim & Tammy - Christmas With Love

KFUO Presents Christmas Hymns And Carols

Carmen Le Nard - Jolly Snowman - SINGLE

Liberace - 1954 Christmas Greetings (w brother George) - FLEXI

L'il Wally & The Harmony Boys - A Polka Christmas

Sy Mann & The Malvin Carolers - Let's All Sing Christmas Carols

The Manhattans - Christmas 45 - SINGLE

The Bob Mantzke Choralaires - Christmas Songs

The Mom & Dads - Merry Christmas With

The Murk Family - Christmas With

Pat O'Brien - A Quiet Christmas

O Tannenbaum - Christmas On The Rhine

The Pac-Man Christmas Album

The Piano Rolls & Voices - All Time Christmas Hits

A Pink Panther Christmas

Bob Ralston - Christmas Hymns & Carols

Mickey Rooney - Merry Merry Micklemas

Del Roper & The Mason Swiss Bell Ringers - I Heard The Bells

Orion Samuelson - Christmas 45 - SINGLE

Shirley & Squirrely - Christmas With

Ethel Smith - Silent Night-Holy Night

The Soulful Strings - The Magic Of Christmas

Bobby Vinton - Christmas Promo EP

Justin Wilson - A Cajun Christmas With

Woody The Woodchuck - Christmas Sing Song (STEREO)

If there are broken links, let me know via the re-link request post. I'll try my best to get up older stuff first before moving onto the newer stuff. And don't forget to leave a comment on the album you chose to listen to!



Anonymous said…
Walk on...
Ernie said…
I'd like one of each, please.
Inkydog said…
Gentlemen, start your engines...
Jeffco said…
Thanks! And you'll understand why in December. One title will find its way into something that will come right back to you, and hopefully bring you much joy and mirth!
CaptainOT said…
Jerry's Kid - Through the wind? Through the rain? Though my dreams be tossed and blown?

Ernie - No bulk discounts, I'm afraid.

Inkydog - One more lap around the track... Great to see you Ink!

Jeff - Anything that comes from Jeffco is always appreciated around these parts! Thanks pal!


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