Happy Thanksgiving!

Even in space, they celebrate Thanksgiving. So you should do the same...

As you bow your heads in prayer today before the big meal, ask for blessings to be bestowed on the Detroit Lions. With their record at 0-11, and facing the 10-1 Tennessee Titans, they need all the help they can get today.

Have fun eating, visiting with your loved ones, and traveling safely wherever you are.



Ernie said…
Happy Thanksgiving, Cap'n!
Jeffco said…
And happy Thanksgiving to you Captain, and to all my American friends..!
Anonymous said…
Happy Thanksgiving, Cap'n. But I need to root for Tennessee. My fantasy team is depending on Justin Gage and former ECU running back Chris Johnson. And I'm actually concerned that this game looks like an upset in the making. Let the Lions win the next one.

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