Vintage Christmas Ads Pt. 9 - Kroehler, 1956

In addition to collecting Christmas music, I have collected nearly 1000 vintage Christmas ads over the years. Many of these include celebrities, radio, television, cigarettes, liquor, modern appliances, and the like.

Last Friday and every Friday from here until I run out, I will feature an ad from my collection.

I invite you to add a fun comment, witticism, clever remark, or observation in the comments section provided. Any comments deemed worthy of repeating will be included into this entry where all the world will see it.

In last week's installment, I posted a men's underwear ad (touting about its comfort) that apparently made people uncomfortable. It was the first vintage Christmas ad post with not one single comment. This made me begin to think this over - was it the ad? Was it my comments? Why so much discomfort?

I feel like I have to make amends. So I decided on this pleasurable, very comfortable ad from the good folks at Kroehler (pronounced KRAY-ler). And I'll even up the ante further - I'm not leaving a single comment about this ad that shows off such luxury:

(Click on image to enlarge)

What do you think?

Thanatos says: nubby tweed sounds like a character from a 60's British TV programme.

Dangerlucy says: Just like a man to fall asleep with a major fire burning.

Stubbyfears says: You gotta love the color selection. Very "Space Age."

Thanatos (again) says: Is that a blowtorch in the fireplace or does that flue just have one hell of a draft?

Tim says: forget the chair...dig that crazy SHIRT!

Any other opinions?



Thanatos said…

1. nubby tweed sounds like a character from a 60's British TV programme.

2. Is that a blowtorch in the fireplace or does that flue just have one hell of a draft?

3. Did they use a corpse for a model or did he just fall asleep with his eyes open?

4. If he is dead, did he start to open the present on the floor to his right and die of excitment when he saw it was a box of new argyle socks?
Anonymous said…
Just like a man to fall asleep with a major fire burning.
Anonymous said…
You gotta love the color selection. Very "Space Age."
Anonymous said…
forget the chair...dig that crazy SHIRT!

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