Irwin The Disco Duck - Christmas & New Year's Party

Back on October 1st, I wrote two reviews of Christmas disco albums that our friend Ernie shared out. In those reviews, I reiterated my guilty pleasure for Christmas disco and hinted:

"And if you think Holiday Disco is bad, just wait until Christmas. For I have obtained what could be the WORST Christmas disco album of all time and I intend to unleash it to the world."

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls... here it is.

The folks at Peter Pan Records decided to combine their special brand of kiddie Christmas with Christmas disco to disastrous results. Leeching off the success of Rick Dees' novelty hit "Disco Duck", they decided to create the lovable duck on the cover named Irwin!

Irwin is your host and narrator and after about 30 seconds into the first track (a remake of "Disco Duck" renamed "Disco Duck II" to avoid paying royalties), you're gonna be looking for a 12-gauge shotgun for some duck hunting.

After two competent disco versions of "Sleigh Ride" and "Winter Wonderland", the duck unleashes "Donde Esta Santa Claus?". This is worst than Charo's epic single of the same name.

This track was the pact they made with the devil to make this album and thereby guaranteeing this album will be played in Hell at Christmas time.

This album wouldn't be so bad if they hadn't made Irwin introduce EVERY SINGLE track! And if you want further proof that this is the worst Christmas disco album ever, look at the artist's name on the cover. I rest my case.

Listen if you dare...

Irwin The Disco Duck - Christmas & New Year's Party

This yuleblog cannot be responsible for any damage caused by this record to your computer, hard drives, CD players, speakers, headphones, MP3 players, iPods, car stereos, boomboxes, radios, televisions, DVD players, VCRs, 8-tracks, or to your own physical being after you play this for someone.

My lawyer says I'm covered. Don't say I didn't warn you.



Jeffco said…
Oh Rob, you're a cruel, cruel man for not letting this album die the quiet death it deserves... At least Charo had cuchi cuchi...

And I just have to mention, the full name of the group according to the cover is Irwin the Disco Duck and the Wibble W abble (sic) Singers & Orchestra...

Surprised they weren't sued by Disney for the cover art though... Pretty blatant...
hmcnally said…
You know that kind of Christmas party that's so bad that you try to hide from it by going to the men's room, but you still can't get far enough away to hear the DJ's putrid choice of "holiday" music? You wouldn't even hear this at that party.

Rick Dees should have sued, this thing makes Disco Duck sound like a Brandenburg concerto in comparison!

...but thanks for bringing it to us!
CaptainOT said…
Jeff - I almost put this back into the vinyl bin (and everyone in unison yells "WHY DIDN'T YOU?") but I knew this album has never seen the light of the CD laser.

You are correct with the title of the group - I couldn't put those on the tags because they'll come up as corrupted or missing file.

HMcNally - "This thing makes Disco Duck sound like a Brandenburg concerto" - damn, that's funny!

Glad you're enjoying it?

Jeffco said…
Quietly, sheepishly, he says, thank you Captain. Terrible as it is, it's a gem to include in the collection. And, it breaks the ice at parties :)

(mentioning it, not playing it...)
Ernie said…
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Ouch.
CaptainOT said…
Jeff - Mentioning it... HAH!

Ernie - I think we're allowed two horrific albums during a downloading season and I just used up my limit with this one.

Ricky the Quick said…
This is a poor imitation of the Salsoul Orchestra's Christmas Jollies album! I enjoy Vince Montana's yuletide jollies over a Peter Pan Records cheap ripoff!
CaptainOT said…
Meistermag - Cut out the word cheap.


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