Vintage Christmas Ads Pt. 10 - Saturday Evening Post, 1962

In addition to collecting Christmas music, I have collected nearly 1000 vintage Christmas ads over the years. Many of these include celebrities, radio, television, cigarettes, liquor, modern appliances, and the like.

Every Friday from here until I run out, I will feature an ad from my collection.

I invite you to add a fun comment, witticism, clever remark, or observation in the comments section provided. Any comments deemed worthy of repeating will be included into this entry where all the world will see it.

It's been 24 hours since my family and I sat down for our annual Thanksgiving Day meal. And about 24 minutes ago, I polished off a plate of Thanksgiving leftovers (which will be the norm for several days to come).

I looked high and low for something appropriate for this day after Thanksgiving. Something topical, something to spur on comments, something to reflect upon, something to fill up space (just kidding... maybe). As I thumbed through my scans online, I came across a cover that fit the bill and then some:

(Click on image to enlarge)

This cover could be looked at two ways: it's the days prior to Thanksgiving and all of these poultry prisoners just got a stay of execution. Or it's the day after Thanksgiving, the reprieve from the governor came through, but the truck has a flat.

Either way, this image lends itself to many interpretations and possible comments.

What do you think?

Stubbyfears says: It's so... sad.

Hitparade posted a turkey joke in the comments - click on it to read!

Any other opinions?



Anonymous said…

Reminds me of the story that goes something like this: a guy driving behind an enclosed truck, and every 200 yards the truck driver stops, gets out and socks the side of the truck with a big wooden paddle, and then he gets back into the truck and drives another 200 yards, when he stops, gets out and hits the side of the truck again.

Finally the driver following behind, asked the truck driver what he was doing.

The truck driver replied that " the road had a 3000 pound weight limit, but he had a load of 4000 pounds of turkeys, so his job was to hit the side of the truck and keep keep half of them flying."

Hit Parade
Anonymous said…
It's just...sad.

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