Carlos Salzedo - Christmas Carols in Hi Fi

Ta daaaaaaa!

Here's is my very first share of the 2009 Christmas downloading season. While on a search and rescue mission earlier this year, I found this album in a thrift store on the north side of Chicago. It was the only Christmas album in the entire pile of albums (and with this economy, 50 cents ain't too shabby!).

Released in 1956 on the Mercury label, Carlos Salzedo, a well-respected and renowned harpist of his time, plays 20 favorite Christmas carols ranging from "Adeste Fideles", "Jingle Bells", and "Silent Night". And as the cover states, they are in "Hi Fi", making the whole album THAT much more special!

Salzedo was a child prodigy, composing his first piece of his at the tender age of five! His love of music is in full evidence here as many of these tracks are "Concert Variations on..." (code for his own arrangements of the songs). Many of these last under 1:15 - this is a quick but fun listen!

Judge for yourself:

Carlos Salzedo - Christmas Carols in Hi Fi

If you are a fan of the heavenly instrument known as the harp, don't forget the other harp albums I've offered for your listening pleasure - DeWayne Fulton, Robert Maxwell, and Longstreth & Escosa.

Happy listening...



Ernie said…
Crap. Almost had that one ready to go. You beat me to the punch. I guess I have to dig a little deeper...
Lee Hartsfeld said…
Beat me to the punch, too. Good thing I hadn't ripped it yet.
harpo said…
Hey, Thanks for sharing! I got this one from eBay years ago, but it was more than 50 cents! Thanks for all you do!

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