A Christmas Greeting (L.A. Unit of Recording For The Blind)

I've had this album in my collection since 2000 - when I bought it off eBay, I thought I was getting an album of Christmas greetings - hence the title.

Instead, I got an album from the Los Angeles Unit of Recording For The Blind with celebs like Danny Kaye, Agnes Moorehead, and Yul Brynner reading Christmas stories for those visually impaired.

After pulling this out of mothballs last year to share a track for the 2007 Yuleblog Sampler, I decided why not share the rest?

It's a kick to hear Edward G. Robinson read "Yes, Virginia" among all the stories. "See, here kids... nyahh!"

A Christmas Greeting (L.A Unit of Recording For The Blind)

Happy listening (no pun intended)...



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