It's A YouTube Christmas - Pt. 14

From time to time this Christmas season, I'll be posting some amazing videos that have been rescued by people like us and posted at the mecca of all things wonderful and obscure - YouTube.

I invite you to add a fun comment, witticism, clever remark, or observation in the comments section provided. Any comments deemed worthy of repeating will be included into this entry where all the world will see it.

Earlier this week, my family and I sat down to watch "A Charlie Brown Christmas" on VHS (some things I refuse to upgrade). We all laughed, we all grooved to the Vince Guaraldi music, and we had a great time. Thank you, Charles M. Schulz and Bill Melendez!

This leads me to YouTube. There was a famous video that made the rounds a few years back that had Charlie Brown and company rocking out to "Hey Ya" by Outkast. Clever.

I wondered what else YouTube had in the ways of Charlie Brown parodies and found these three. First is a take on the Outkast mashup:

Jimmy Kimmel gave us this parody a few years back. Scientology, anyone?:

The cast of "Scrubs" originally did this parody for their year-end cast Christmas party. It was so well received that it made it to YouTube:

This final parody came from the mind of Denis Leary. You've been warned...

Good grief...

What do you think?



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