It's a YouTube Christmas - Pt. 5

From time to time this upcoming Christmas season, I'll be posting some amazing videos that have been rescued by people like us and posted at the mecca of all things wonderful and obscure - YouTube.

I invite you to add a fun comment, witticism, clever remark, or observation in the comments section provided. Any comments deemed worthy of repeating will be included into this entry where all the world will see it.

Yesterday, I posted a study guide of my annual Christmas comps over the past several years. It's interesting to look back and see how I've progressed (or regressed depending how you look at it) in the selection of my playlists from 2000 to 2008.

I'm a fan of Christmas mash-ups and have written several entries about them. Two of the best Christmas mash-ups found their way to YouTube and I wanted to share them with you.

The first was featured on my 2007 Christmas comp. Our friend DJ BC mixed together "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" by The Jackson Five and John Lennon's "Imagine" to create "Imagine Santa":

This mash was featured on this years comp. Mojochronic hails from Berkeley, CA and decided something needed to be done with Led Zeppelin music and created "Yuletide Zeppelin". Boy, oh, boy, did he hit this one out of the park!:

And don't forget his sequel - Yuletide Zeppelin II:

What do you think?

Tommy says: I like mash-ups in the same way that I like Industrial. It's great in small doses. But I can't listen to alot of it.

Any other opinions?


P.S. DJ BC has posted his fourth installment in his "Santastic" Christmas mash-up compilations - all brand new mash-ups for 2008. Head over to his website and do some digging - you'll find the other three albums still available for download.


Anonymous said…
I like mash-ups in the same way that I like Industrial. It's great in small doses. But I can't listen to alot of it.

Imagine Santa, though, works really well as a song apart from its mash-upedness. Really, really impressive.

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