Selections from "Nashville Christmas Party" (RCA Victor)

I'm a sucker for old school country music - add Christmas to the mix and I'm off the charts.

So when I saw this at my local Salvation Army, I gave it a looksee and discovered about 1/2 of the songs on this compilation are easily accessible elsewhere.

However... the other five songs aren't available anywhere. And there's some great long lost stuff here from lesser known artists such as Hank Lochlin, John D. Loudermilk, The Browns, and Porter Wagoner!

I was considering holding this one back for possible use on the 2008 Yuleblog Sampler. However, if you want to add the missing songs to complete the LP, you'll have a cut about the rest old school Christmas country comp!

Selections from "Nashville Christmas Party" (RCA Victor)

Happy editing...



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