It's a YouTube Christmas - Pt. 7

From time to time this upcoming Christmas season, I'll be posting some amazing videos that have been rescued by people like us and posted at the mecca of all things wonderful and obscure - YouTube.

I invite you to add a fun comment, witticism, clever remark, or observation in the comments section provided. Any comments deemed worthy of repeating will be included into this entry where all the world will see it.

Today ends the first weekend of December. Many of you are probably getting the house decorated - hanging lights outside, placing the stocking by the chimney with care, and clearing a spot in your home where the Christmas tree will stand.

For some of you, this means you're gonna drive down to Lowe's or The Home Depot to select one of their finest fresh-cut Christmas trees. Others will have to drag the box up from the basement to erect the fake plastic Christmas tree.

To those who regularly buy fresh-cut every year and snicker at those who go artificial, just watch this YouTube video and see who gets the last laugh:

What do you think?

HMcNally reminds us: - This video, and a comparison of dry tree vs. a watered tree.

Any other opinions?



hmcnally said…

This video, and a comparison of dry tree vs. a watered tree.

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