The Sounds Of Christmas (Warner Bros. Records) (MONO)

Back in October, I reviewed "Warner Brothers Stars - We Wish You A Merry Christmas" - an album released on Warner Bros. Records from 1959 - the second year of WB Records existence (and available for download courtesy of our friend Ernie (Not Bert).)

Here's an album from 1958 - one of only two Christmas albums released on Warner Bros. Records that year (the other being Jimmy Joyce's "A Christmas To Remember" - Ernie again).

What stars are on this album? Who's got the hot song? It's an entire album of Christmas music boxes accented with bells & chimes.

This album might have been the first Christmas music box album ever - Rita Ford's legendary "Music Box Christmas" on Columbia wasn't released until 1961 and I've yet to see a Christmas music box album earlier than this.

And guess what? Ernie did it again - he has this very same album in the STEREO format. Turns out I had the mono version after all with some nifty promo labels:

Naturally, I'm biased on which version sounds better - Ernie's. Go get a copy. I did go back and re-transfer the album and properly recorded it into mono - it sounds a little better than my first try. So I have that going for me...

The Sounds Of Christmas (Warner Bros.) (MONO)

Happy listening...



Ernie said…
I really liked this LP. I think it sounds much nicer than many of the other, similar music box LPs. I even made a CD of it for my friend's daughter to play at bedtime, and I think it's been a big hit in that regard.

And I love just about everything that came out on the Warner label in those early years. So when I found this one, I just had to share it. Sorry if I stepped on your toes.
Martin Klasch said…
Hi Capt!

If you're interested I've posted this Christmas' Martin Klasch mix: Santaism.
Thanks for all the great shares and Merry Christmas to you!
CaptainOT said…
Ernie - I was one of the first to download your stereo copy and trust me, it's way better and my toes weren't crushed in the slightest. Thanks again for posting this!

P-E Fronning - Glad to hear from you again - I will be downloading your latest Martin Klasch mix!

Amy Bradstreet said…
I was thrilled to find this post! I've adored this album since I was a little girl and I still play it for my children. Fascinating, and thanks!

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