Selections from "The Banjo Barons - Play Music For Happy Times"

When I found this album (minus the disc) at a local thrift store, I noticed there was only three songs that would qualify as Christmas. Plus it was banjo. After enduring the Power Pak Christmas banjo album I shared previously, I needed some GOOD Christmas banjo.

There is nothing short of a Chicago Cub loss that's more frustrating than searching a vinyl bin and finding a great album jacket that's empty. I spent nearly a full day looking at every homeless 33 1/3 but I didn't find it.

eBay to the rescue again!

I listened to the three tracks and couldn't believe my ears! Only one of the tracks had banjo - the other two were a conglomerate of orchestra and organ! Excuse me... but it says "BANJO" on the cover!

Somewhere out in this world is a proper Christmas banjo album and I do intend to find it one day...

Selections from "The Banjo Barons - Play Music For Happy Times"

Happy listening...



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